Common Causes and Chiropractic Solutions for Elbow Pain

Common Causes and Chiropractic Solutions for Elbow Pain

Does your elbow hurt when you lift heavy objects or swing a golf club? Do you feel a constant dull pain in your arm even when you are not using it? If your answer to either is yes, you may have elbow pain, a common problem many people of all ages and lifestyles face. Chiropractic care can treat elbow pain effectively, regardless of cause or symptom.

What Is Elbow Pain?


Elbow pain is any discomfort or inflammation in or around the elbow joint. The elbow joint is where the upper arm bone connects to the two forearm bones. Thanks to the elbow joint, you can bend and straighten your arm and twist your forearm and wrist.

Muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and bursae (sacs filled with fluid that protect the joint) surround the elbow joint. Any of these structures can become injured or irritated, causing pain and limiting your range of motion.

What Causes Elbow Pain?

  • Overuse

Using the elbow joint too much or too hard can cause pain. You can damage and inflame the tissues when you use the elbow joint too much or too hard. This can cause pain and swelling. Sports like tennis, golf, baseball, or bowling, or jobs that involve a lot of lifting, gripping, or twisting of the arm, can cause overuse.

  • Injury

Trauma to the elbow joint can result from a fall, a blow, or a sudden twist. This can result in broken bones, torn or stretched ligaments, injured muscles, out-of-place joints, or harmed nerves. Some common injuries that cause elbow pain are tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, bursitis, and cubital tunnel syndrome.

  • Arthritis

Arthritis is a problem that makes the joints swell and wear out. The elbow joint can get arthritis from different causes, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and reduced mobility in the elbow.

  • Infection

Infection can occur in the skin, bones, or bursae around the elbow joint. This can cause redness, warmth, fever, and pus. Bacteria, fungi, or viruses can cause infection.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help With Elbow Pain?


You can treat your elbow pain and boost your overall health with chiropractic care. It is a natural and safe method employed by chiropractors to fix problems in your muscles, bones, and joints using their hands and other tools. Chiropractic care can help your elbow pain in many ways:

  • Less Pain and Swelling 

Chiropractors can gently move the spine and other joints to fix their position. This can affect the nerves and muscles in the elbow. It can ease the tissue's stress and soreness and lower the pain and swelling.

  • Improved Range of Motion and Flexibility

Chiropractors can help you relax your muscles and tendons around the elbow joint. They can do it using massage therapy, stretching exercises, ultrasound therapy, cold laser therapy, and more. This can make your arm and wrist more flexible and mobile.

  • Increased Strength and Stability

Chiropractors can prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons that support the elbow joint. This can help prevent further injuries and improve your stability and performance in your daily activities.

  • Prevention of Future Problems

Chiropractors can advise you on preventing elbow pain from recurring or worsening. This may include modifying your posture, ergonomics, technique, equipment, or lifestyle habits contributing to your condition.



To find the best solutions for elbow pain, you need to know what causes it. Chiropractors can help you feel and move better by fixing misalignments, making joints work better, and giving exercises to keep them moving.

For more on elbow pain, visit M Powered Chiropractic at our Georgetown, Texas, office. Call (512) 548-4355 to schedule an appointment today.

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